History of Clivia

Clivia, Kaffir Lily Golden Lily Busch also announced in the subtropical forests of the Eastern Cape are from South Africa. The unique focus of flowers caught collecting Français explorers traveling abroad during the 1800 rush, name and classify a rare and unusual species. William J. Burchell, a British naturalist in Cape Town, the first copy of Scientific in 1813 recorded stationed, called it a "forest Cyrtanthus". Now as Clivia nobilis, the tube-shaped flowers in shades of scarlet plans pendula grows acquainted with green tips. James Bowie, a plant collector through the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Order transported back living plants to England in 1822. There Were Two Competing botanist, John Lindley and William Hooker, Who published articles naming the new plans - while at the same day, both names exist in printed materials for a while and rumors in a row on swirled how each purchased your copy, over time John C. nobilis Lindley named chairman. Nobilis, meaning "noble orchid person," and the Duchess of Northumberland Clivia honors, Florentine Lady Charlotte Clive, the first flowers in her winter garden crops across the river from Kew. C. miniata, the most widely cultivated species was discovered today in the early 1850's in the garden province of KwaZulu-Natal. Breeders collectors and raved about the extraordinary flowers, create strong demand for Clivia year as easy to grow houseplant WHOLE Europe in Victorian times. Sir William Hooker, knighted after his service as director of Kew Gardens, became the third species, C. gardenii, 1856.Around in 1888, the discovery of C. citrina var MINIART, a yellow variety, and C. caulescens, hanging flowers with red, Delighted serious breeders worldwide. Collector was a cross of C. nobilis and C. miniata to Japan, Korea and China sometime 1868-1912, botanist, and it began to breed hybrids Specialized Sport unusually colored leaves and colorful flowers. The third generation Clivia breeder, EP Zimmerman, Clivia to California, USA when he emigrated from Germany in 1907.A fifth species, C. mirabilis, which discovered in 2002, with a sixth, C. robusta (swamp Clive) as own way in 2004 categorized again. Most breeders today they cross one of the hanging types with C. miniata, creating beautiful variations of hundreds or even thousands of dollars from this dog command serious collector. I paid $ 35.00 for a blooming size of C. miniata White Flower Farm in 1993 and has plans of a single stem up to three adults, which bloom in spring and autumn, with two two more immature. Read how to grow Clivia miniata here ....