White Flower Farm : Achillea millefolium Colorado Mixture

Achillea millefolium Colorado mixture

This strain has a range of colors that we saw him go from pink to apricot and red, chrome yellow, pale yellow, cream, beige, and even a pair of pure white. The plants are upright and stable, and we began to bloom in early summer, remains in September. Lacy fresh green leaves makes this show will last until the limit can bring the summer of their own. Also play very well with Malva, Alcea, and a wide range of daisies. A great cut or dried flowers and very strong, to boot.

This valuable garden plants from the temperate zone to the north are often grown for the masses of flowers bring in many parts of the summer. Their flattened flower heads introduce a new form to the perennial border. Yarrow thrive in full sun and well drained soil and are drought tolerant. They bloom from June to September. The best variety of fresh flowers and more difficult than its predecessor, a good class even more valuable. also excellent for fresh cut and dried flower arrangements Yarrow .