White White Farm: New York's Opera Society Chapter 6
The next day I woke up at 7:00 am and followed my usual weekday morning routine of forcing myself out of bed and marching my heavy-eyed self to the kitchen for a cup of coffee which I always took in a large mug with three teaspoons of Folgers coffee, a teaspoon of sugar and a large amount of milk. This cup of what we might call "American Coffee" was accompanied by my usual weekday breakfast, which included two pieces of toast, two hard boiled eggs and a breakfast cereal of some kind.On that particular morning, it being a Monday, I had to be at school early for my class in impressionist music and though this kind of music is really not my favorite; I did one day hope to sing the lead role in Camille-Saint Saenz's "Sampson and Delilah."I got dressed in what I called my "school uniform". It being a pair of corduroy pants which I wore with a long sleeved shirt and a sweater or a jacket. This depending on my mood and the weather and let's not forget my black shoes which I only wore to school. After having gone through this daily routine of dressing, shaving, brushing my teeth and hair, and putting on my eau de toilet I left the house without saying good bye to anybody; as everyone had already gone to where they had to be that morning.After having practically idled away most of the summer, either in backpacking through Europe or in sitting around the family house in the Hamptons; it felt good to be back in the swing of things, to have that feeling of having to be somewhere at a specific time. I remember the joy I felt as I was getting ready for my first class of the school year. It was good to be back in the thick of it; to once more feel that sense of responsibility that tells us we have to do something.I had two things on my mind, as I was riding the elevator down to the lobby. One of them being how I was going to go about purchasing the tickets for the Polish opera; "Halka". The answer to this question was to simply go down to "Carnegie Hall" after school and get the tickets with my credit card. The other thing that I was turning over in my mind was how the school year was going to unfold. I wanted so much to do well that I sometimes wondered if I was not putting to much pressure on myself.The elevator finally made its way to the first floor where I got off and said hello to the doorman, who although not a great opera fan greeted me with a curious friendliness, leading to the question "So, how was Wagner last night? Did you enjoy watching the gods get toasted at the end?"; to which I replied in an analytical tone of voice "One never gets to see the gods get toasted. One just knows it's happening because one has read the synopsis, however the music during that scene is truly amazing.". My response making Ralph look at me with a slight grin on his face as he said "Ain't it the truth!" to which I cried out "See you, later Ralph.".After exiting the building I quickly walked to the subway station where I caught the uptown train to my music school and while waiting for my train on the platform in the middle of the rush hour crowd I got an SMS from Gosia saying "How are you this morning? How was opera? Did you get tickets for Halka? Did you see my email I sent you last night? Will I see you today?". I read her SMS and I could feel the enthusiasm which she displayed the day before and I could also see how much she really wanted to attend this performance of the Polish Opera "Halka". It was hard to say what was the source of her elation. Was it that she was going to be seeing this opera? An opera which she had more than likely seen several times in her own country or was it that she was going to be seeing it performed in New York or was it that she was going to be seeing it with me? I naturally hoped the cause was my 3rd given reason.I had barely finished reading her SMS for the second time when my train arrived; where I managed to squeeze in just in time before it departed. The train was so jammed packed that I was unable to get my hands up in order to reply to her SMS; forcing me to wait till I got to my station to do so. When I arrived at my station I sent her a reply which read "the opera was great, no I have not read your email nor have I bought the tickets, will buy them today and will see you this evening".I arrived at school with five minutes to spare for my first class and as I was waiting in the hall for it to start; one of my fellow classmates (a Japanese exchange student, whose name was Miyamoto), who was also studying to be an opera tenor and who on one occasion had come over to our place for one of the many social gatherings my mother had held; came up to me and asked how the opera had been. It was to his query that my reply was that it had been truly great, as one would expect when ever Levine and Domingo are teamed up. I could tell by the look on his face that Miyamoto was as eager to ask me more questions and would have probably done so had it not been for the class bell which rang just as I answered his first and last question.My classes ended at 15:00, after which I immediately took the subway downtown to "Carnegie Hall", which is on the Westside of Manhattan and had no difficulty in purchasing the tickets with my credit card. After which I decided to head uptown to Pani Beata's restaurant on foot, where I was hopping to find Gosia in order to hand her her ticket. It happened while walking uptown that I really took the time (now that I was not in a hurry to get anywhere) to observe how everything had changed during the last few days in the city of New York. After all the fall had started and the streets had become a lot more crowded with people (most of whom had returned from their summer vacations) who seemed to be always in a rush. The maddening crowd was back to stay at least till next summer and I could certainly feel that New York; the city that never slept was back to being the old vibrating town that I loved so much. [EXTRACT] The next day I woke up at 7:00 am and followed my usual routine Monday through Friday morning, forcing me out of bed and my eyes heavy marching order to the kitchen for a cup of coffee that he always carried in a large cup with three teaspoons of Folgers coffee, one teaspoon of sugar and a lot of milk. This cup of what we might call "American coffee" was accompanied by my usual breakfast on weekdays, which includes two pieces of bread, two eggs and a breakfast cereal of some kind.On that particular morning, it is a Monday, which had to be at school early for my kind of music Impressionist and although this type of music is not really my favorite, I did one day hope to sing the title role in Camille Saint-Saenz, so I dressed "Sampson and Delilah." I called my "school uniform". Make it a pair of corduroy pants that I wore a long sleeved shirt and a sweater or jacket. This depending on my mood and the time and do not forget my black shoes, which had only been to school. Having gone through this routine of dressing, shaving, brushing teeth and hair, and put on my bathing eau I left the house without saying goodbye, like everyone else had gone to where they should be in the morning. After almost inactive most of the summer, either in Europe or camping to sit around the family home in the Hamptons, it felt good to be back in the swing of things, to have that feeling having to be somewhere at a certain time. I remember the joy I felt that I was preparing for my first class year. It was good to be back in it, to feel again the sense of responsibility that tells us we need to do something.I had two things in my mind as I was on the elevator to the lobby. One is how I would go about buying tickets for the Polish opera, "Halka". The answer to this question was simply going down to "Carnegie Hall" after school and get tickets with my credit card. The other thing that I was turning in my mind was how would the school year to develop. I really wanted to do well that I sometimes wondered if he was putting too much pressure on the elevator myself.The finally reached the first floor where I got to greet the doorman, who although not a big opera fan greeted me with a curious gentleness, which leads to the question "So, how did Wagner night Like to see the gods was provided at the end?" I answered in a tone of voice analysis "You never get to see the gods get toasted. You just know it's happening because you have read the synopsis, however, the music in that scene is really amazing. ". My answer what Ralph looks at me with a slight smile on his face when he said: "It is the truth!" to which I shouted "See you later, Ralph.". After exiting the building that quickly turned to the subway station where I took the train to the city to my music school and while waiting for the train on the platform in the middle of the rush hour crowd received an SMS from Gosia saying, "How are you this morning? How does it work? Did you get tickets to Halka? Have you seen my email I sent last night? Will I see today?". I read your SMS and I could feel the excitement that show yesterday and I also saw how much he wanted to attend this show from the Opera of Poland "Halka". It was hard to say which was the source of your joy. Was it going to be watching this opera? An opera that was more than likely seen several times in their own country or is she going to be seeing what was done in New York or was that she would be watching me? I naturally expected that the case was given my third reason.I had just finished reading your SMS for a second time when my train arrived, where I managed to squeeze in time before he left. The train was stuck so full I could not get my hands on in order to respond to your SMS, forced me to wait until I got to my station to do so. When I reached my station, I sent a response saying, "the opera was great, no, I have not read your email and I bought the tickets, they will buy today and see you tonight." I came to school with five minutes to spare for my first class and as I was waiting in the hallway to begin one of my classmates (a Japanese exchange student, whose name was Miyamoto), who was also studying for be a tenor and had once come to our house for one of the many social gatherings my mother had approached me and asked me how was the opera. He went to his query that my answer was that he had been truly great, as expected, when ever joined Levine and Domingo. I could tell by the look on his face that Miyamoto was so eager to ask more questions and would have probably not been for the bell rang just as classes that I responded to their classes question.My first and the last term at 15: 00, after which he immediately took the metro to the center of "Carnegie Hall", which is on the west side of Manhattan and had no difficulty in buying tickets with my credit card. After which I decided to head to the top of Pani Beata on foot restaurant, where he was expected to find Gosia to hand your ticket. It happened while I was walking uptown I really took the time (now that was in no hurry to get anywhere) to see how everything had changed over the last few days in New York City. After all, the decline had begun and the streets had become much more crowded (most of whom had returned from their summer vacation), which seemed to be always in a hurry. The madding crowd to stay back at least until next summer and could definitely feel that New York, the city that never slept was back to being the old vibration that I loved.