PurposeThe purpose of the coffee enema is to cleanse the blood and clear the liver of toxins. These toxins occur from the normal metabolisms of food as well as the carcinogenic toxins from our polluted environment, drugs, food and water pollutants such as pesticides, preservatives, hormones, excreted prescription drugs and fluoride.MechanismThis cleansing is accomplished by increasing the liver's capacity to detoxify toxins in the blood and binding them to the bile. In the process, the liver cleanses itself as it releases the toxic bile into the small, then large, intestine for evacuation.The entire blood supply circulates through the liver every three minutes. By retaining the coffee 12 to 15 minutes, the blood will circulate four to five times for cleansing, much like a dialysis treatment.
The water content of the coffee stimulates intestinal peristalsis and helps to empty the large intestine with the accumulated toxic bile.Note, coffee enemas are not primarily for colon cleansing.PhysiologyGlutathione is the primary antioxidant that is prevalent in every cell in the human body. Glutathione is primarily synthesized in the liver where it is abundantly present. Glutathione participates in leukotrinene synthesis for WBC mobilization and is a cofactor for the enzyme glutathione peroxidase (cellular antioxidant). The palmitic acid in caffeine increases the activity of glutathione S-transferase (GST) by 600% in the liver and a 700% increase in detoxification in the small intestine.GST(glutathione S-transferase) makes excess free radicals water soluble for easy elimination from the cells and the body and blocks and detoxifies carcinogens. GST, binds bilirubin and its glucuronides so that they can be eliminated from the hepatocytes (liver cells).The liver thus uses glutathione to neutralize poisons, e.g., alcohol, caffeine, medications, nicotine, and remove them from the blood. (The amino acid, Cysteine is the limiting factor as N-acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), in glutathione synthesis, ensuring an adequate supply of glutathione helps cleanse the blood of toxins and substances.) 80-90% of the blood that leaves the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The blood carries important nutrients to the liver where they are metabolized into substances vital to life.In the same way, exogenous toxic substances reach the liver where they are either activated or transformed into less toxic derivatives. Glutathione plays a crucial role in the liver's biotransformation system. Biotransformation in Phase One denatures (inactivates) the toxin and Phase Two makes the toxin water soluble to bind with the bile and be excreted through the feces. See " THE GERSON THERAPY", by Gerson and Walker pg 163 (highly recommended reading) for the; SUMMARY OF PHISIOLOGICAL BENEFITS OF COFFEE ENEMAS Dr Max Gerson, MD, used several coffee enemas a day to remove his patients from morphine and relieve their severe pain.COFFEE ENEMAS IN SUMMARY:
1. Cleanse the blood of toxins
2. Cleanse the liver to improve its many metabolic functions
3. Boost the immune system
4. Relieves severe pain and some headaches
Accumulated toxins have been associated with general nervous tension, confusion, depression, allergy related symptoms and severe pain.HOW TO PREPARE A COFFEE ENEMA
Despite rumors to the contrary, coffee enemas are perfectly safe when taken as directed. (Unless otherwise specified, ONLY when on the Gerson Therapy they recommend each patient take the enema each morning.) We usually recommend you prepare a quart of coffee, using 2-4 tablespoons of coffee per quart. The water should be purified with the reverse osmosis filtration unit; if you do not have such a unit, store bought spring water will suffice. Of course, organically grown coffee would be best for this procedure. (However, Folger's Regular is of high quality and the cleanest of all commercial brands, and as a second choice, we recommend this for your enemas.NO FREEZE DRIED COFFEE.
The coffee should be made in a stainless steel or glass coffee-maker. Aluminum is not recommended, since aluminum is a toxic metal and can leach into the coffee while perking It is acceptable to make the coffee the night before use; this allows the coffee to cool. The coffee is best used at body temperature. If it cools too much over night, reheat slightly before using.QUICK BREW METHOD
Place 2-4 tablespoons of organic coffee in a coffee filter, held in a strainer, placed over the cup. Add hot water. Place this cup of coffee in the enema bag.. Add three cups of purified water. This will bring it to body temperature, immediately ready for use.HOW TO ADMINISTER A COFFEE ENEMAWhen preparing to take the enema, it is best to empty the colon first, (or you may take a plain water enema).Hang the prepared solution in the enema bag at least 12- 18 inches above the waist. We use the shower faucet or a bent clothes hanger from the shower curtain. The higher the bag, the more pressure and the faster it will enter the body. First, release clamp and allow some coffee out to remove air from the tube, re-clamp.Lubricate tip and rectum. Then lie on your right side in bath tub, or on your hands and knees, or stand bent at the waist, whichever is most comfortable, then slowly insert the tip with a side to side motion to bypass the transverse rectal folds (rectal valves).Release the clamp, and let about a pint of coffee slowly flow in, then re-clamp. Wait five seconds. Then allow the rest in. Re-clamp.Lay on your left side on a towel/mat close to the toilet. A pillow for your head is recommended. At first, it may be difficult to retain the enema, but we usually recommend holding the coffee about twelve to 15 minutes before expelling.Sometimes, due to lessening of the blood toxic load, an increase in energy may occur, and some people may feel slightly jittery, although most find the enemas relaxing. Usually, the jitteriness lessens after about the third enema, if needed. [EXTRACT] PurposeThe purpose of the coffee enema is to cleanse the blood and liver remove toxins. These toxins are produced from normal metabolism of food, as well as cancer-causing toxins from our polluted environment, medicine, food and water contaminants such as pesticides, preservatives, hormones, prescription drugs and excreted cleaning is fluoride.MechanismThis out by increasing the liver's ability to detoxify toxins in the blood and bind to bile. In the process, the liver is cleansed as it releases toxic bile in the small, large intestine to the blood supply evacuation.The all flows through the liver every three minutes. By retaining the coffee 12 to 15 minutes, the blood will circulate four or five times for cleaning, as well as a dialysis treatment. The water content of coffee stimulates intestinal peristalsis and helps to empty the large intestine with the bile accumulated toxic. Note that coffee enemas are not primarily for cleansing.PhysiologyGlutathione colon is the major antioxidant that is prevalent in all human cells. Glutathione is primarily synthesized in the liver, where it is abundant today. Involved in the synthesis of glutathione leukotrinene for mobilization of WBC and is a cofactor for the enzyme glutathione peroxidase (cellular antioxidant). Palmitic acid, caffeine increases the activity of glutathione S-transferase (GST) by 600% in the liver and a 700% increase in detoxification in the small intestine.GST (glutathione S-transferase) makes the water soluble free radical excess of easy removal and body cells and blocks and detoxifies carcinogens. GST, binds bilirubin and its glucuronide, so they can be eliminated from the hepatocytes (liver cells). The liver therefore uses glutathione to neutralize poisons, such as alcohol, caffeine, drugs, nicotine, and eliminate them from the blood. (The amino acid cysteine is the limiting factor for N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), the synthesis of glutathione, which ensures an adequate supply of glutathione helps cleanse the blood of toxins and chemicals.) 80-90% of the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The blood carries important nutrients to the liver where it is metabolized life.In vital substances in the same way, exogenous toxic substances reach the liver where they are activated or transformed into less toxic derivatives. Glutathione plays a crucial role in the biotransformation system in the liver. Phase Biotransformation denatured (inactive) of the toxin and the second phase makes water-soluble toxin to bind with bile and excreted through the feces. See "Gerson Therapy" by Gerson and Walker, pg 163 (highly recommended reading) for; SUMMARY OF THE BENEFITS OF COFFEE ENEMA physiological Dr. Max Gerson, MD, uses coffee enemas several a day to remove their patients from morphine to relieve his severe pain.COFFEE ENEMA IN BRIEF: 1. Clean blood from toxins 2. Cleansing the liver to improve its many metabolic functions 3. Strengthen the immune system 4. Relieves pain and headaches some Accumulated toxins are associated with general stress, confusion, depression, allergy-related symptoms and severe pain.HOW for preparing a coffee enema Despite rumors to the contrary, coffee enemas are perfectly safe when taken as directed. (Unless otherwise specified, ONLY when Gerson Therapy recommending every patient take an enema every morning.) Usually recommend preparing one liter of coffee, with 2-4 tablespoons of coffee per liter. The water should be purified with the filtration unit of reverse osmosis, if you do not have a unit, store bought spring water is sufficient. Of course, organic coffee is best for this procedure. (However, regular Folger is high quality and the cleanest of all trademarks, and as a second option, we recommend this for your enemas.NO FREEZE dried coffee. Coffee should be performed in a stainless steel or glass coffee pot. Aluminum is not recommended, because aluminum is a toxic metal and can leach into the coffee while cheering is acceptable to make the coffee the night before use, which allows the coffee to cool. Coffee is the best option at body temperature. If it gets too cold at night, reheat just before using.QUICK BREW METHOD Place 2-4 tablespoons of organic coffee in a coffee filter, which took place in a colander placed over the cup. Add hot water. Place this cup of coffee in the enema bag .. Add three cups of purified water. This will lead to body temperature, immediately ready for use. Running a COFFEE ENEMAWhen preparing to take the enema, it is best to empty the first two points (or take a tap water enema) Hang the solution prepared in the enema bag at least 12 -. 18 inches above the waist. We use the faucet in the shower or a coat hanger bent to the shower curtain. The larger the bag, the more pressure and the faster it will go into the body. First, the release clip and allow a bit of coffee out to remove air from the tube, re-clamp.Lubricate colon and rectum. The following are in the right side, bathtub, or hands and knees or standing bent at the waist, which is more comfortable, then slowly insert the tip with a movement from side to side to avoid transverse folds of the rectum (rectal valves). Release the clamp, and about a liter of coffee slowly in the flow, then return to the clamp. Wait five seconds. Then let the rest in Re-clamp.Lay on your left side on a towel / carpet near the toilet. A pillow for the head is recommended. At first it may be difficult to retain the enema, but we usually recommend holding the coffee about twelve to 15 minutes before expelling.Sometimes due to decreased blood toxic load, an increase of energy can occur, and possible some people feel a little nervous, but most find enemas to relax. In general, decreases nervousness after the enema third, if necessary.