White White Farm: The Absolute Best Coffee to Use in a French Press

I have been a coffee addict for almost 20 years. I first began drinking coffee in college in order to stay awake for the late night study sessions. I think if it weren't for coffee I would've definitely failed many of my classes. Back then I chose whatever coffee was cheapest; Folgers, Maxwell House or anything of the multitude of cheap off brands. I definitely did not have a refined palate. Anything that would give me that boost of caffeine would work just fine. But, now after 20 years of work and the trials and tribulations of life I have come to the realization that life is short. Why waste my time drinking crap coffee.In my professional career I have worked for five companies. And, each of those companies offered some sort of free coffee in the kitchen. You have the small mom and pop operation who would pickup whatever was on sale at the grocery store that day to the large national company with a food contract with a local distributor. The quality of the free coffee in all cases has always been in question; that and what I always found is whoever was unlucky enough to drink the last of a pot got to brew the next pot.Now, you and I both know that people's taste in coffee varies greatly. Some people like weak coffee, some people like coffee that will grow hair on your chest. Either way I could never count on having a consistently tasty cup of coffee. That is until I found the French Press. Now, every morning I get to my cube, pour in a measured amount of coffee grounds, carry the press to the hot water dispenser to fill it, bring it back to my desk and wait. After only 5 minutes I insert the plunger and press down. Viola, fresh brewed coffee with a consistent fantastic taste that cannot be beat. There are three pieces that make up a great coffee experience: the aroma of the dry grounds, the heavenly smell of the brewing pot and the mind blowing tremendous taste of the final product. The French pressed coffee bean cannot be beat in either experience or taste. And, over the past two years I have experimented on different types of grind and bean to use.Now you can benefit from my trials and get the best taste immediately. There are two to three different types of coffee that will make the whole process exquisite. If you are a dark roast lover you will want to try the New York Dark Roast grind from Coffee or Less. And, right now they have a promotion going on for Free Shipping On Orders Over $50. If you aren't a dark roast type of person; I would recommend Timothy's Kona Blend or the Parisian Blend. You can't go wrong with either. Another great option to grind up for your French press would be the Sumatran Sunset Coffee. [EXTRACT] I have been a coffee addict for nearly 20 years. I started drinking coffee in college to stay awake during the night study sessions. I think if it were not for the coffee definitely has failed me many of my classes. At that time I chose the cheapest was coffee, Folgers, Maxwell House or anything of the many cheaper brands. I certainly did not have a refined palate. Anything that would give me the boost that caffeine might work very well. But now, after 20 years of work and the trials and tribulations of life, I have come to the conclusion that life is short. Why waste time drinking my shit coffee.In my professional career I worked for five companies. And each of the companies offer some type of coffee in the kitchen. You have the girl's mother and pop operation that could pick up what was for sale at the store the day of the big national company with a contract with a local food. Free coffee quality in all cases has always been concerned, and that what I've always found is the one that had the misfortune to drink the last of a pot has to strain the following pot.Now, you and I know the taste of people in the coffee is very variable. Some people like weak coffee, some people like coffee that will grow hair on your chest. Either way I could not count on a cup of coffee always tasty. That is, until I found the French press. Now, every morning I get my bucket, pour in a moderate amount of coffee, bring the press that the hot water dispenser for filling, bring it back to my desk and wait. After just 5 minutes, insert the plunger and press down. Viola, freshly brewed coffee with a great consistent flavor that can not be beat. There are three parts of a coffee experience: the smell of dry gardens, the heavenly smell of pot brewing and mind blowing great pleasure that the final product. The French pressed coffee beans can not be beat on experience or taste. And in the last two years I have experimented with different types of milling and sheath use.Now can benefit from my tests and get the best flavor immediately. There are two or three different types of coffee, which will make the whole process is exquisite. If you are a lover of dark roast will have to prove the New York Dark roast coffee mill or less. And, at this time have a promotion to go Free Shipping On Orders Over $ 50. If you are not a dark roast type of person, I recommend Timothy Kona Blend or mix of Paris. You can not go wrong with any. Another great option to grind for French press would sunset Sumatra coffee.