Weigela florida Alexandra Wine & Roses™
Wine & Roses Weigela Florida Alexandra% u2122
A small genus of deciduous shrubs native to eastern Europe, which produces well-known for its bell-shaped flowers or trumpet in the late spring and early summer. The showy flowers attract hummingbirds and has attracted the interest of the breeder. "Wine and Roses" is a new selection of the Netherlands, that deserves your attention. His dark burgundy leaves highlight the abundance of 1-2 centimeters. Rosy pink flowers in June and July, then add color in the garden for the rest of the season. Easily adaptable to almost any type of soil, disease resistant shrub grows to 4-5 m with a spread of 3-5 feet, making it a popular choice sides of the border and foundation shrubs. A light pruning after flowering will keep growth compact, but left to themselves, the branches form arches graceful.